Remanufactured CLT 5860 Allison Transmission
Part Numbers: 6830661, 6881576, 6884218
In every Centranz remanufactured Allison Transmission, we replace or rebuild for maximum durability as follows:
NOTE: OEM part numbers are for reference purposes only. These parts are not OEM parts or advertised as such.
*The trade name “Volvo®” and the Volvo logo are all property of The Volvo Group. Centranz manufactures parts that are suitable replacements for Volvo equipment. Centranz is not a Volvo dealer. The trade name “John Deere®” and the John Deere logo are all property of Deere & Company. The trade name “Komatsu®” and the Komatsu logo are all property of Kabushiki Kaisha Komatsu Seisakusho Corporation. The trade name “ZF®” and the ZF logo are all property of ZF Friedrichshafen AG. The trade name “Hitachi®” and the Hitachi logo are all property of Hitachi, Ltd. The trade name “Allison®” and the Allison logo are all property of Rolls-Royce Corporation. The trade names listed above are used for descriptive purposes only.
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